There are so many articles on leadership that offer generic tips: be inclusive, take a coach-approach, and be open to feedback, among others. And, while all of those items are certainly true, what is often missing is the textured approach that is needed in different roles of leadership that support the transformation process.

The role of the senior leader accountable for the profit/loss of a business entity, such as a general manager, is responsible for every function in an enterprise. If a senior leader is intent on transforming the manufacturing processes, he or she must be committed to the process and recognize that it is but one of the daily responsibilities that must be attended to. While it is certainly of supreme importance, so are the human-resource issues that arise daily, the financials, the customers and all other stakeholders that demand support and attention. That senior leader must be ready to put in the extra effort that change management demands and be prepared for the inevitable conflict that will arise among members of the team whose lives are being disrupted by a new way of doing their work.

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